Click on a question below to show our typical answer to these FAQs.
+ What do I do with my dressing?
- Cover it when you shower for the first 3 days and change it if it gets wet or dirty. You can remove the dressing after day 3.
- You might have a small incision in your armpit. If so, that dressing waterproof, but if water gets underneath you should change it. You can remove the dressing after day 3-5.
- Leave the Steri-strips in place until they fall off on their own.
+ What are my restrictions?
- No active movement of your shoulder
- No lifting anything with this arm
- Wear your sling!
+ Do I have stitches? When do they come out??
- You have a few stitches, usually 4-6, that will be taken out at your first post-operative visit. Don’t worry, they don’t hurt when they come out!
+ Can I put lotions or anything on my incisions?
- No. Please do not put any lotions, creams, oils, antibiotic ointments or anything on the incisions until they are perfectly healed and the scab is gone.
+ When can I shower?
- You can shower immediately if you cover the dressing for the first 3 days. After 3 days, you can remove the dressing and let the water run down over the incisions. DO NOT scrub the incisions or submerge them underwater.
+ How long do I wear my sling?
- For about 6 weeks after surgery.
+ Can I take my sling off?
- You can take it off for hygiene or when working on a computer, but your arm must be kept at your side at all times.
+ What do I take for pain?
- You will be given a prescription for narcotic pain medication after surgery (usually Percocet/Oxycodone).
- However, Ibuprofen and Tylenol work great. You can take start taking Ibuprofen every 8 hours starting immediately after surgery to minimize the amount of narcotic you will need to take as long as you have no stomach ulcer issues, kidney issues, and you are not on any blood thinners.
- The Percocet has 325 mg of Tylenol in it already, so if you are taking Tylenol, just be sure that you do not exceed 3000 mg of it in a 24 h period.
+ What medications will I be on?
- Aspirin - to prevent blood clots. Take daily for about 3 weeks
- An opioid for pain, usually Percocet (Oxycodone)
- Zofran - for nausea
- Colace - stool softener
+ Will I have a nerve block?
- Yes
- The nerve block usually lasts 1-3 days and wears off slowly
+ Do I need to wear my brace when I sleep?
- Yes. For the first 6 weeks after surgery.
- Most people find it most comfortable to sleep in a recliner or build a pillow ramp to sit up more in bed.
+ When do I follow up after my surgery?
- Between 7-14 days afterwards. This appointment should already be made for you, but you can adjust it if needed.
+ When should I start going to physical therapy?
- There is typically not much to do for the first 2 week after surgery, but you should go a head and set it up as it will be an important part of your recovery.
- You will have all the paperwork you need for PT when you leave the hospital.
+ How long will I be going to physical therapy?
- For about 4-6 months
+ How frequently do I need to go to physical therapy?
- 2-3 times/week initially, but this will be spaced out over time as you progress.
+ What are some red flags after my surgery that I should be looking for?
- Fever over 101.4 F
- Calf swelling or severe calf pain
- Increasing redness around the incision
- Pus draining from the incision. It is normal for some drainage from the incisions for a few days after surgery.
- Chest pain or difficulty breathing
+ How long is the recovery?
- As a general rule, you will be feeling ok at the 6 week mark, good at the 3 month mark, and very good at the 6 month mark.
- It gets stiff for the first 6 weeks, then you work on working out the stiffness for then next 6 weeks. Strenthening starts at 12 weeks after surgery.
+ When can I sleep on my side?
- After 6 weeks.
+ When can I swim?
- You CANNOT get into a pool or hot tub until your incisions are perfectly healed, usually around 4 weeks. After that, you may get into a pool but check with us or PT before swimming.
+ When can I run?
- You will work with us and your physical therapist to determine this, but it’s usually around 3 months.
+ When can I return to sports?
- You will work with us and your physical therapist to determine this, but it’s usually around 4-6 months.
- As a reference, we tell our golfers that they will be putting and chipping at 4 months, irons at 5 months, and full swing at 6 months.
+ When can I drive?
- When you are out of the sling and off pain medication. Be sure to practice before driving again.
- This is usually at least 6 weeks after the operation.
+ When can I type on a computer?
- You are allowed to come out of your sling and type on a computer in a comfortable position starting immediately.
+ When can I go back to work?
- Depends on your job. If you can perform your job while abiding by the restrictions, you can go back as soon as you feel able to.
- We recommend not making any important decisions while on the pain medication.
What is recovery like after rotator cuff surgery?
How can I prepare for rotator cuff surgery?
What is a rotator cuff tear, and how does surgery fix it?
How is rotator cuff surgery performed?
As always, the answers above serve as a GENERAL guideline, and specifics may vary between surgeries and between patients. Please check with Dr. Raynor or his team regarding any questions or concerns you might have about your specific situation.